Sony's Spider-Man Universe Wiki

Dora Skirth was an employee of the Life Foundation who worked closely with Carlton Drake. However, she became a whistleblower and sought to get reporter Eddie Brock to expose the Life Foundation for their experimentations with symbiotes. After helping Eddie infiltrate the Life Foundation's laboratory and inadvertently steal a symbiote, Drake trapped her in a room with Dead Blue, which killed her.



She, along with Carlton Drake, Rosie Collins, and other employees witnessed the afermath of the LF1 crash in eastern Malaysia, which resulted in John Jameson being only survivor and three of four symbiotes onboard the spaceship being recovered for the Life Foundation. Unbeknowst to anyone, the fourth Symbiote known as Riot bonded to Jameson's body and escaped soon afterwards in the body of Corinne Wan, an EMT paramedic.[1]

Helping Expose A Truth[]

After having a successful trial from one of the symbiotes, Carlton Drake decided to go on further testing on human trials. Dora told him that they'll be precautions that will take place but was threatened by Carlton about her family. She then and reached out to Eddie Brock at Mrs. Chen's Store for some help in exposing Carlton, but he refused.

However, Eddie changed his mind and called Dora for a certain interest in what the Life Foundation was doing, she helped him infiltrate the secret laboratory where human subjects are tested with the symbiotes and distracted a guard while Eddie took pictures of the experiments. When Drake arrived to her, Dora explained that an intruder stole a symbiote. She quickly left the scene so that no one would get any suspicions.

Later, when Dora arrived at the office, she was surprised to see Roland Treece and the guard that she distracted waiting for her. She was brought to a disappointed Drake where he interrogated her and was forced to admit that Eddie was the one that took the symbiote. As punishment for her actions, Drake ordered the SYM-A02 symbiote to be released on her, despite her pleas. When Drake returned, he found her corpse near to the symbiote.[1]


Dora's actions allowed Eddie Brock to gain the evidence of Life Foundation's wrongdoings and later expose their crimes. Her actions also inadvertently played a part in Eddie bonding with the Venom symbiote and preventing a potential invasion from the evil Riot symbiote, who eventually bonded with Carlton Drake.[1]


She is described as nice and optimistic to the school children; later, she was seen as a liar and a coward to her boss Carlton Drake and she unfortunately dies with the SYM-A02.



  • Husband
  • Children




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The Sony's Spider-Man Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Dora Skirth.
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The Sony's Spider-Man Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Dora Skirth.